Of course, neither utopian socialism (which this film accurately exposes), nor anarchy are the answer–rather, a free and responsible society governed by biblical principles, like the United States once was. The film co-stars an ensemble cast of mostly action film actors consisting of Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Terry Crews, Steve Austin, Mickey Rourke, and Bruce Willis. In all, DEMOLITION MAN is a violent, anarchistic diatribe packaged in humor which will teach children that cursing, rebellion and violence are the marks of a real man–a DEMOLITION MAN, who will destroy to get want he wants. Searching for: Demolition Man in: Demolition Man (1993)-Sylvester Stallone & Wesley Snipes-1080p-H264-AC 3 (DolbyDigital-5.1) & nickar.1, 21, 11 Demolition. The Expendables is a 2010 American action film written by David Callaham and Sylvester Stallone, and directed by Stallone, who also starred in the lead role. However, the writing and directing are very good, the supporting cast is great, the action is fast and furious, and Stallone and Snipes are hot. The rest of the film is action-packed and bloody, following Stallone in his relentless pursuit of Wesley Snipes.Īside from the physical violence and the bad language, the most disturbing aspect of this film is the libertarian worldview that promotes anarchy and mocks morality and authority.

Cryo Prison: Phoenix for taking 30 hostages Spartan for blowing up the building (and, allegedly, the hostages held therein) during his apprehension of Phoenix. Spartan is sentenced, along with deranged killer Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), to frozen jail time in the L.A. As everyone has scattered with their own projects, like Stallone’s Rocky IV director’s cut and Jason Statham’s duties on The Meg franchise, as well as the Fast and Furious spin-off Hobbs and Shaw, it almost feels like The Expendable 4 is dead for good.DEMOLITION MAN opens in the year 1996 with Sylvester Stallone as John Spartan, a Los Angeles cop who always gets his man, but usually at the expense of the surrounding terrain, thereby garnering his nickname–DEMOLITION MAN. The production itself was beset by all sorts of problems, as a PG-13 rating and an eventually leaked copy of the film were among the reasons some have cited for the third installment’s ultimate disappointment at the box office. With such great memories comes some bittersweet truth, as The Expendables 3, so far, has proven to be the de facto finale of the franchise. published 27 April 2021 There was once a time when Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, Jason Statham and a lot of other badasses gathered to make blockbuster action movies together. With that mythic conflict at an end, the sky was the limit for who they could get to join in, and the two ensuing sequels proved it. For the first time, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, two titans once engaged in a bit of an historic rivalry, worked together for the fans. Of course, the centerpiece of it all is the fact that this throwback to those simpler days reminds us that 2010’s The Expendables was a pretty historic moment in action cinema history.